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Women have been working hard since the beginning of time.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

women were able to start working in the year of 1920 and the 1930's they were also allowed to work during ww1 because of the nursing spots.

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Q: When women were able to work?
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What places were the women able to work in the industrial revolution?

they were able to work in factories.

How has work changed since 1900?

women are able to work nowadays

Why weren't Victorian mothers allowed to work?

Victorian women did not have the right to work or vote. They were expected to stay home with the children. Men did not think women were able to work.

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to allow women to vote and to be able to work in more professions and to have the same rights as men

What are the advantages of women at work?

only 40% are able to find full-time jobs

Can a female work at a garbage company?

Yes the women is able to work anywhere, with the permission of her husband, if she is not married then the permission of her guardian

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There is no reason why women can not work in architecture or civil drafting. Anyone with the skills and interest for those professions should be able to do the work.

In colonial times were women children able to work?

The men did most the "Dirty" work such as field tilling and blacksmith type things. The women took care of the children, cooked, and cleaned the house, taught the girls how to do "their" jobs. =]

Where did women work?

in kush women work in the fields

Why were women able to enter the work force during the World War 1?

Because all the men were in the army, and none of them were in the work force, so there were all these vacant job positions, and they needed someone to fill them in, so women applied.

How was the civilian population able to meet labor demands after the US entered World War 1?

After the United States entered World War I, the civilian population was able to meet labor demands by allowing women to work in factories. "Rosie, the Riveter" was a popular icon during this time used to entice women to work.

Why was there resistance at first to women working in war plants?

There were several reasons. Women were considered not to have the stamina to work long hours (outside of the home, that is). Women, as a whole, supposedly would not have the minds able to understand something so unfeminine. It was thought that women would take the jobs from men who needed them, and that families would suffer greatly with the women not home. Men did not want to supervisor or work with women.