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this is what I found on one website.... the name of it was .

sorry, that it's so much information!!

· Gwinnett was born in April 1735 in Gloucestershire, England

· He married Ann Bourne in 1757, and they had three children-Amelia, Ann, and Elizabeth Ann.

· At the age of 28 he selected Charleston, South Carolina as his place of settlement

· A patriotic citizen, but he personally believed that it was an impossible task for the Americans to resist Great Britain and succeed.

· He had a change of heart and began to publicly advocate confronting Britain about her conduct toward the American colonies and securing American rights.

· At the convention, Mr. Gwinnett was appointed commander of Georgia's continental militia, which he declined for party reasons.

· April-May of 1776: he was (also) elected by the Assembly as a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

· July 2nd, July 4th, and August 2 (1776): 2ndHe voted for independence, while the signing for the Declaration of Independence was on July 4th, with Gwinnett signing the Declaration of Independence on August 2nd.

· After signing the D.O.I. Gwinnett moved back to Georgia hoping that he would be reassigned as leader of the Georgia Militia.

· Button Gwinnett's signature was said to be worth a little less than Julius Caesar's and William Shakespeare's signature with his selling for as much as 150,000 dollars. (Button's signature is by far the most valuable American autograph.

· The three signers of the Declaration of Independence that were from Georgia, George Walton, and Lyman Hall this short list also includes Button Gwinnett.

· General Lachlan McIntosh publicly bad-mouthed Gwinnett's failure at expanding Georgia's border and treated him scornfully. Leading Gwinnett to challenge McIntosh to a duel in an effort to restore his honor. They met at the small town of Thunderbolt, near Savannah, and fought on May 16, 1777, at a distance of only 12 feet. Both were severely wounded, Gwinnett mortally. He died three days later on May 19, 1777 at the age of 45; from gangrene (which is a condition where certain areas of the body are being restricted due to loss of blood flow.) he contracted this from the shattered bone in his leg during a duel. McIntosh survived and continued to serve his country. Gwinnett's grave is believed to be in the Old Colonial Cemetery, later called Colonial Park, in Savannah, Georgia.

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Button Gwinnett's wife was Anne Bourne

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Button Gwinnett was born on April 10, 1735.

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Button Gwinnett, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Who was born in Gloucester England and was killed in a duel with lochlan mcintosh?

omg u dont know dat? It's Button Gwinnett <3

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Butto Gwinnett had no siblings

Was button Gwinnett from Georgia?

Yes, he was from Georgia, and Gwinnett County was named for him.

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