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He went to an Episcopalian church on occasion.

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Pohick Church in Lorton

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Q: Where did George Washington go to church?
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What were George Washington's religeous beliefs?

While he was President, George Washington attended Christ Church, which is a Protestant church, so George Washington's religion was Christianity.

What church did Betsy Ross and George Washington attend?

they attended the CHRIST CHURCH

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Bush did not often go to church while he was president, not did he move his membership to a Washington church.

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no not all church people are just look at George Washington

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No- Washington did not go to college.

How did George Washington contribute to the Enlightenment?

George Washington contributed to the Enlightenment by leaving the Church of England to become independent. Washington helped develop government and form a revolution in America.

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Did George Washington Carver go to church?

Yes, George Washington Carver was a deeply religious man and regularly attended church. He believed that his scientific discoveries were a gift from God and saw his work in agriculture as a means to serve humanity and honor his faith.

What was George Washington a puritan separatist or a pilgrim?

George Washington was certainly none of the above. He was baptized in the Church of England, which became the Episcopal Church after the American Revolution. He did not attend church often and there is some evidence that he did not hold strictly Christian beliefs. Some historians are convinced that Washington, like several of his contemporaries, leaned toward deism.

What were George Washington's beliefs?

While he was President, George Washington attended Christ Church, which is a Protestant church, so George Washington's religion was Christianity.

What kind of church does George Lopez go to?

a church where they teach you how to not be funny

How many founding fathers were Episcopalian or Church of England?

I know George Washington was Episcopalian.