Indentured servitude is when there is a contract between two parties saying that one party agrees to work for a defined amount of years, usually 3-7 years, in exchange for clothing, food, shelter, and other essentials instead of money. Was a way for poor people to come to America because would agree to do labor in exchange for travel costs and food/clothes/home.
How has population growth change in 100 years
Cars, boats, houses, clothing, food.
a deal that would let them buy american wheat Food to help shortages
Training is needed for every occupation. This training ranges from on-the-job, basic training for fast food workers, to a doctoral degree and many years of on-the-job training for physicians.
50-40 thousand years ago
Maize, also known as corn, was one of the crops grown in America five thousand years ago. It was a staple food for many indigenous peoples in the Americas.
I belive it happened a few thousand years ago when people started to plant food and become self reliant on thier own food. They no longer needed to be nomadic and keep hunting for food. They now had a steady constant supply.
Probably since the time when adam and eve were expelled from the garden they have been eating cows so roughly 6-8 thousand years
there it is
You dont, they're 8 years old all they love is pizza, junk food, and video games
People have been modifing food for thousand of years when putting animals that give alot of food with animals that dont and having kids that give more food. No one really invented GM food, many people did bu after discovery of DNA in 1953 GM foods where created more prefesionaly
most of the fruit we have to day came from China 3,000 years ago
Bread is a very ancient food for which neither the date or place of origin is known. Bread certainly was made for several thousand years before 1221 CE.
thousand of years ago,people travelled by sea and sailed to borneo on canoes and rafts. they brought with them new kinds of food,tools,weapons and skills such as pottery andweaving.
They eat 2 thousand pounds of food a day