On May 24, 1626 Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan for 24 dollars from the indians. He was working for the Dutch West Indies Company. New York was started by the Dutch as New Amsterdam.
The two countries that had most to do with America in the 16th centaury were the British and the Dutch. The Dutch never owned all of America but the British did after the Anglo- Dutch war. So the British and the Dutch owned America at one time.
The Dutch settled in North America because the Dutch government wanted to find a new route to the Indies as well as find any uncharted areas. The Dutch started two settlements, New Netherlands and New Amsterdam.
economic reasons.
The northwest ordanince was a bill passed by congress saying the poeople of America can settle in the Ohio River Valley area. This was like the start of westward expansion
Present Day New York City
New York was originally New Amsterdam. If that doesn't make it clear, the Dutch.
who did the English population in north america settle
for there gold...... Well that's not right. They were actually looking for the West Indies, better known as the Caribbean, when they came across North America.
Present Day New York City
European colonists came across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in America (mainly at that time the dutch for north-eastern America).
The Dutch immigrated to North America for a better life. Also to find good farmland.
The Dutch immigrated to North America for a better life. Also to find good farmland.
the dutch did settle in canada.
The Dutch immigrated to North America for a better life. Also to find good farmland.