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Both houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate, had 2/3's vote.

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Q: Where did the congress derive its power to amend the constitution?
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Does Congress has the power to amend the constitution?

the constitutional convention (the states)

What court cases caused the Supreme Court to decide to amend the constitution?

The Supreme Court does not have the power to amend the Constitution. Only the process of constitutional amendment outlined in Article V of the Constitution can be used to amend the Constitution. The Court's role is to interpret the Constitution and its amendments, not to amend them.

Why did the radical republicans in congress think it was necessary to amend the constitution?

to limit power of the southern states to extend civil rights to freedmen to provide freedmen with political power

An informal amendment can be established by?

An informal amendment can be established by Congress via legislative actions and the President also has the power to amend through a clause in the Constitution.

What are some examples of non legislative powers of congress?

- the power to choose the president - the removal power - the confirmation power - ratification power - amendment power Congress has the power to try and impeach a president by vote.

Does Congress have the expressed power to declare laws unconstitutional?

Congress cannot declare laws unconstitutional. The Judiciary Branch may declare a law unconstitutional only if it conflicts with some provision of the State or Federal Constitution. The Supreme Court can rule a law to be unconstitutional, but Congress, along with the States, can only amend the Constitution.

How does the amendment process reflect the principal of popular sovereignty?

The two-step process created to amend the Constitution restricted the power of Congress to change the Constitution and ensured that any change would reflect the national will. This was in line with the principle of popular sovereignty.

Who had the most power at the Articles of Confederation?

congress had the power to amend the articles of confederation

What does the tenth amendment mean in simple terms?

The United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. The United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

List five nonlegislative powers of congress?

Five non-legislative powers of Congress include: 1. Power to impeach officials (ex: President) 2. Power to amend the Constitution. This requires a 2/3 vote by Congress members and ¾ approval by state legislatures 3. Power to give advice and consent 4. Power to conduct investigations (ex: Watergate Scandal) 5. Power to choose executive leaders

A body of persons vested with power to amend and repeal laws?

All legislative power is vasted in Congress, including the right to repeal or amend its Acts. States have similar legislatures which can enact law and amend them, as long as they adhere to the law of the Federal government.

Can congress change a court decision?

If the courts interpret an ordinary law in an unfavorable way, Congress may just pass a new law to clarify. If a decision is ruled interpreting the Constitution, Congress may amend the constitution or impeach federal judges in hopes to sway the courts in their favor (Checks and Balances). However, the Seperation of Powers in our system prevents Congress from having any judicial power.