All laws that deal with money must originate from Congress. This is the group responsible for raising money for the federal government mainly through taxes.
All revenue, tax, and "money bills" originate in the House of Representatives
False. It is in the House.
All bills relating to raising money (taxes), and the budget, must originate in the House of Representatives.
The bills proposed to raise money for the federal government are called revenue bills. Revenue bills must pass through both houses, but originate in the House of Representatives.
In the United States Congress all revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives as opposed to the Senate
HOR: House of Reps
House. All bills dealing with money start in the House.
Most bills can originate in either the House of Representatives or the Senate; however, __________ bills dealing with government spending must begin in the House of Representatives.
All bills having to do with the raising of revenue have to originate in the House of Representatives.
Taxation bills must originate in the house of representatives
The House of Representatives.
In the house
helping people
house of representatives
The House of Representatives!! :-)
HOR: House of Reps