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Q: Where does the US President stay when visiting foreign countries?
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Where do the President stay when visiting other countries?

the president stays in a very fancy, suite

Can the president order the army into foreign countries?

He can and often has. They can not stay too long without support from Congress because it takes extra money to carry out an over-seas operation.

Which 1823 doctrine of U.S. foreign policy stated that European countries should stay out of North and South America?

Which 1823 doctrine of U.S. foreign policy stated that European countries should stay out of North and South America?

Who told the European countries to stay out of the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine from President Monroe, the fifth president of the US.

Can Americans rent vacation homes in foreign countries?

I can't answer for the whole world. The best guide is this: if you have a valid visa (if required) foreign countries aren't bothered whether you stay in a hotel or rent a vacation home. In many countries foreign tourists must register with the authorities. If you stay in a hotel, the hotel does this for you; if you are in a holiday home, you (or possibly your landlord) do that. This answer is only a guide.

Which of the first three Presidents felt that you should stay away from foreign countries?

George Washington :)

Both the federalist and the democratic republicans believed that the country should?

Stay out of foreign affairs.

Does the Monroe doctrine represent a continuation or a Chang in president Washington foreign policy?

In reality, the Monroe Doctrine expanded on the foreign policy of Washington. Washington wanted the British to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. Monroe wanted all foreign powers to stay out.

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What year did revolutionary turmoil in France cause the us president to urge Americans stay out of foreign quarrels?


Who is eligible to stay at Union Jack Club?

Staying at UJCf2khdServing Servicemen--Ex-sevicemen--Emergency service personell- visiting foreign servicemen. Proof of status required.

Where can you get shenzen visia from in mumbai?

Schengen Visa is given for most European countries except UK and few other countries. You will have to visit the particular country's consulate that you are planning to visit. There is no one place to get the Schengen Visa. If you are visiting multiple countries, then you will have to either go to the first country that you are visiting or the country where you are going to stay the most.