the citizens of America.
Government gets it's power from the people who vote into office our elected officials. Our elected officials then create laws that govern society.
the power of the government is defined by the
A democracy is a form of government where the people have the power to vote on how their government acts.
The part of a government that holds power in a confederacy is the state government. The federal government has limited power in this government.
According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.
The type of government where the central government has all the power and the people have none is called a dictatorship.
There is a government that has all the power and a government that has some of the power. People have power with the government and president.
There is a government that has all the power and a government that has some of the power. People have power with the government and president.
Any central government by definition is in power. If it were not in power it would not be a central government.
The power of the government is the people.
is power shared in government
The people have the power in the democratic government.
the power of the government is defined by the
In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.
A democracy is a form of government where the people have the power to vote on how their government acts.
In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.
The part of a government that holds power in a confederacy is the state government. The federal government has limited power in this government.
The power of the USA government comes from the people.