Huizar is a Spanish last name that is derived from Huici, to describe one from Huici. It was originally a Basque name.
The country where the last name Burton originated is England. This name is used as a last name as well as a first name and means from the fortified town.
The last name Madrigal originated from Spain. The last name Madrigal means from the womb. It is derived from the Latin word, matricalis.
The last name of Gallardo is of Spanish origin. This name means gallant and is the last name of many famous Spanish bull fighters.
José Huizar was born on 1968-09-10.
Laura Zuniga's birth name is Laura Elena Ziga Huizar.
Where does my last name Pinto come from?
Where does the last name Hernandez come from
where did the last name Godbey originate come from
where does my last name Alonzo come from
the last name ocasio were dis it come from its origin
where does the last name uribe comes from
Where does the last name Hernandez come from
yes the last name does come first in an encyclopedia
Where does my last name rangel come from?? i would like to now the history of it.
It is a pinoy last name