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Jesus' bones are not on this earth! That's one of the most exciting things about him! He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven 40 days later. If evidence of his remains had ever been found, Christianity would have been proved as a fraud. They have never been discovered, however. And we know that they never will be.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

This answer sadly depends on what your religious preference is; Christianity states that Jesus was buried the same day as he was crucified, rose from said grave the on the third day afterwards, and his body ascended into heaven somewhere thereafter. The scriptures are somewhat contradicting though about the fine details of the series of events that occured.

The Jewish faith states that Jesus did not raise from the first grave, he was crucified, died, and that was it, assuming that, I'm sure his family buried him;

Other faiths would suggest that Jesus never died on the cross, that he just suffered and then indeed was buried, recovered in the tomb, and fled to evade further prosecution for his beliefs, assuming this, he could have had children, a wife, who knows?, but I'm sure again his family and friends buried him. Unfortunately there is no solid answer I can give u, these are your options though; YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

AnswerDespite the various possibilities outlined above, the evidence points firmly to the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ as a supernatural once-and-for-all-time event. Evidence is not simply based on the gospel writings but also on a wealth of writings from the early Church - many of whom either knew Jesus and who could corroborate the resurrection (eg, Paul, James, Peter etc) but also those who were either pupils of the disciples or pupils of the pupils, like Polycarp, Irenaeus and so on. And let's not forget that many of the disciples were martyred rather than deny an event that they knew to be true. Thus, Jesus was buried immediately after the crucifixion on the Friday, and the evidence points strongly to the resurrection early on the Sunday morning following. AnswerIf the Questioner wanted to know specifically when Jesus was buried:

- The triumphal entry of Christ presenting Himself as King was Saturday, April 6th, 32AD.

-He was crucified and buried 3 days later; that is, Wednesday, April 10th, 32AD.

[All dates Chuck Missler,]

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Christians believe Jesus wasn't buried because he rose from the dead and then went to heaven to be with his father (God)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Nobody knows

Jesus was supposed to have ascended into Heaven. Therefore there should be no trace of his body anywhere, if The Bible is to be believed.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Jesus is buried in Persia. One of the four enemies of Israel: Egypt, Persia, Babylon, and Assyria

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Jesus did not die, but rather ascended to the sky by permission from his lord.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

He was placed in Joseph of Aramithea's tomb.

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