

Best Answer

Article 1, Section 8:

The Congress shall have the power...

to regulate commerce... among the several state;

to establish post offices and post roads;

"Regulate commerce" has been interpreted to mean either to control interstate commerce or to keep it regular. I think the latter interpretation is correct and consistent with the writings of the founders. So keeping interstate commerce regular means building interstate highways. Then there's also the power to establish "post roads", that's just a road built for the purpose of transporting post. So I do think the Department of Transport is one of the only ones that actually is constitutional. Though that's not to say it couldn't be reduced in size and scope.

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Q: Where is the U.S. Constitution of the department of transportation from?
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What is an example of the use of fiscal policy by the US government?

The Department of Transportation increases spending on highway repairs.

What department was created to assure the coordinated effective administration of the transportation programs of the federal government?

department of transportation

The srevices of which department include the administration of highway planning development and construction?

The Department of Transportation through the Federal Highway Administration

What services are the Department of Transportation in charge of?

The US Department of Transportation establishes design and construction standards for the US and Interstate Highways and manages the Federal highway funding programs. The Department includes agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Highway Safety Administration, that regulate the safety of various forms of transportation, as well as investigate serious transportation incidents. Through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the Department regulates natural gas and petroleum pipe lines and the transportation of hazardous materials by rail, highway, air and water, and harmonizes those regulations with international requirements.Before the reorganization that followed the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Coast Guard was part of this Department during peacetime.

What is the difference between the US Constitution and the Washington State Constitution?

the us constitution goes across the hole us wile Washington constitution is only

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The US Department of Transportation is headed by the Secretary of Transportation.

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The United States Department of Transportation was enacted by congress in 1966. The US Department of Transportation was an improvement to the roadways across the country.

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The US Department of Transportation is a government department, not a market monopoly

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The US Department of Transportation was created on 1 April 1967.

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The US government has a cabinet-level Department of Transportation. However, most states also have their own Departments of Transportation.

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Department of Transportation.....under the supervision of the honerable Norman Meneta. LOL.....something we had to quote but he was the last secratary of transportation before we annexed into DHS.

What US government agency establishes the nation's overall transportation policies?

The US government agency that establishes the nation's overall transportation policies is The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT or DOT). It is a federal Cabinet department of the U.S. government.

Who was head of us Department of Transportation under bush?

Norman Mineta

What does US DOT stand for?

It stands for the United States Department of Transportation.

Portion of the constitution establishing the legislative department?

The US Constitution outlines each branch of government and their responsibilities. Article 1 is the portion of the Constitution that establishes the legislative department.

How many new cars were sold in US in 2005?

about 7,719,553 according to the US Department of Transportation

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In the US Several different agencies are responsible for hazardous materials. They include:Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Department of Transportation (DOT)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)