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he was hung at stone

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Q: Where was Dick turpin hung?
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Did Dick Turpin have and Children?

Dick Turpin did get married, he married Miss Elizabeth Millington, they then had a daughter before he was hung for steeling chickens from a farmer. He lived in Yorkshire as John Palmer but while in prison the post man had taught him how to write and realized that it was Richard "Dick" Turpin's hand. So, really, yes he did. And then was hung because a Postman couldn't keep his mouth shut.

When did dick turpin die?

Time of day: 6:15 give or take a few mins. He was taken from the gallows, found to be still breathing and re-hung, weights were atttached to his legs, Dick eventually decided to shuffle off this mortal coil as there seemed little point in, ahem, hanging around

What was Dick Turpin's full name?

Dick Turpin's full name is Richard "Dick" Turpin.

Did dick turpin die?

dick turpin dyed in 1706-1739

When was Dick Turpin's Ride created?

Dick Turpin's Ride was created in 1951.

What is Dick Turpin's brother called?

Dick Turpin's brother was named Tom Turpin. He was a highwayman like Dick Turpin and also engaged in criminal activities during the 18th century in England.

In which century did highwayman Dick Turpin lived?

Dick Turpin lived in the 16th century.

What are the ratings and certificates for Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 2 3-2?

Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 2 3-2 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

What are the ratings and certificates for Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 5 3-5?

Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 5 3-5 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

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Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 1 3-1 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

What are the ratings and certificates for Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 3 3-3?

Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 3 3-3 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

What are the ratings and certificates for Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 4 3-4?

Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 4 3-4 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG