The Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was built as a Greek Orthodox Church in 537 AD and used as a mosque in 1453 until it was turned into a museum in 1935. It was important to the Greeks, the Turks, and briefly to the Latin Empire.
Sophia is the capital of Bulgaria.
bulgaria dumb A>>>>>>>>>>>>SS sorry but the answer is right
She had 11 siblings. 5 sisters named Rebecca, Mary, Abigail, Anna and Sophia. 6 brothers named Archibald, Derick, Henry, Tertullus, Fredrick and Lewis. Her fathers name was Henry and mothers name was Abigail.
The Hanoverian Kings were Protestant instead of Catholic. In 1701, British rule was passed to Sophia of Hanover so that the late Queen Anne's relatives could never take the throne of England.
is it not important
Haggia sophia
A very important Church, currently a museum, formerly an Imperial Mosque (1453 - 1931) a Roman Catholic Cathedral (1204 - 1261) and constructed as an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral (562 - 1204)
The Hagia Sophia was the largest and most important Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Byzantine Empire.
The Greek Orthodox Church.
just remember H Z H Z MHabbakuk, Zepheniah, Haggia, Zechariah, Malachitry to sing it
The address of the Sophia is: 103 First Street, Sophia, 25921 1309
The French translation for "Sophia" is "Sophie."
Justinian 1 fought may battles and he won back a good amount of the Roman empire back and he rebuilt the haggia sophia after a riot it got burned down, that's all i can give you for now b/c i'm just learning about him in school so yeah! (written by and sixth grader, if you don't believe me you can read the story of the world by susan wise bauer (she writes real good)
Sophia Jade goes by Sophia Succubus.
Sophia Yeh goes by Sophia KiddBeatz.
* Loren * Bush * Herzog Sachs Sophia Loren Princess Sophia
Sophia Romma's birth name is Sophia Murashkovsky.