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Up your butt and around the corner

haha jk it was signed in your mom

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Q: Where was the Mexican constitution signed?
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Was the constitution in Mexico signed in Mexico City?

No. Current Mexican constitution was signed in Queretaro in February 5, 1917.

Where was the Mexican cession signed?

The Mexican cession was signed at Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1948.

How many individuals signed the Constitution?

39 delegates signed the US Constitution.

Why is Mexican constitution of 1917 significant?

The Mexican Constitution was the first successful constitution Mexico had and used, and it has influenced the Mexican government for decades since its writing.

The year of constitution was signed?

The U.S. Constitution was signed in the year 1787.

What was the constitution of 1824?

it was the Mexican constitution.

How many amendments signed the constitution?

twenty-seven amendments signed the constitution

City where constitution was signed?

The constitution was signed in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania on September 17, 1787.

Why was the constitution signed and written?

ben signed it

How many delegates at the constitutional convention signed the US constitution?

55 signed the constitution.

How many people from Georgia signed the constitution?

Only Two men from Georgia signed the US constitution

Why is the Mexican Constitution of significant?

The Mexican Constitution was the first successful constitution Mexico had and used, and it has influenced the Mexican government for decades since its writing.