( Government 5.4.2 Test)
The supremacy clause of the Constitution ensures that it overrules state constitutions laws that address the same matters.
Which statement describes the U.S. government's reaction to the establishment of a communist state in Russia?
The conquest of Mehmed lmk established the Ottoman Empire
the president nominates federal judges, while she senate approves the nominations
citizens in ancient Greek city-states developed ideas about representation and establish direct democracy
congress has the power to declare war, the president commands the armed forces
The flows of income and expenditures are about equal.
Citizens in ancient Rome established a republican form of government.
They have similar climates, landscapes, and economies.
sexual intercourse
b apex
a belief in Protestant teachings and the literal truth of the Bible
state governments grant local governments their power but do not tend to interfere with their day -to-day responsibilities
limited government?
Which statement describes the U.S. government's reaction to the establishment of a communist state in Russia?
She could accurately predict the future. (K12)
The tax rate increases as income increases.