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There is a system of checks and balances. The legislative Branch, the congress, makes the laws. The executive branch, the president, approves or vetoes the laws. The judicial branch, supreme court, makes sure the laws are constitutional. All need to happen before a bill becomes a law.

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13y ago

Actually, both houses of congress need to work together, or nothing gets passed. The House of Representatives and the Senate are the two parts of the Legislative branch of the government. They need to cooperate, since a law cannot pass one and not the other. Once both the House and the Senate have agreed, the law is sent on to the president.

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14y ago

Congress makes up the legislative branch and is the onlyauthority that has the power to write bills. It takes a president's signature for a bill to be passed into law. However, if a president vetos a bill, congress can override the veto if both houses vote to do so with a two-thirds majority.

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Q: Which House has law making powers?
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What house has law making powers?

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