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President George H. W. Bush appointed Justice David Hackett Souter to the US Supreme Court in 1990. Souter retired in 2009 and was succeeded by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

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Q: Which President appointed David Hackett Souter to the US Supreme Court?
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Are any retired US Supreme Court justices still alive?

Only two retired US Supreme Court justices are still alive, as of December 2009.Sandra Day O'Connor....................1981-2006.......ReaganDavid Hackett Souter....................1990-2009........George HW BushFor more information, see Related Questions, below.

Who resigned from the US Supreme Court in 2009?

Sonia SotomayorPresident Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor on May 26, 2009, to replace retired Justice David H. Souter. Justice Sotomayor was confirmed by the Senate on August 6, and sworn-in on August 8, 2009. She began sitting with the Court immediately prior to the 2009-2010 Term.Justice Sotomayor was the third woman appointed to the Supreme Court, and the first Latina justice in the Court's history.

Who were the associate judges appointed by Bush?

Four of the nine justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by either George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush. George H.W. Bush appointed Clarence Thomas and David Souter. George W. Bush appointed John Roberts and Samuel Alito.

Which US Supreme Court justice did Elena Kagan replace?

President Barack Obama appointed Justice Sotomayor to replace Justice David H. Souter, who retired at the end of June 2009. Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by the Senate on August 6, 2009, and took the Oaths of Office on August 8, 2009.

Who did obama appoint to the supreme court?

Since the Supreme Court is not actually Obama's, but all of America's, I'm assuming the question is 'who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court". The answer is John Roberts. [President George W Bush appointed Chief Justice Roberts in 2005. Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, so a sitting President only gets to nominate a new Chief Justice if that position becomes vacant during the President's term of office.]

Related questions

Who was President Obama's first appointment to the US Supreme Court?

He appointed Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor in 2009, to replace retiring justice David Souter.

What US Supreme Court justice served from 1990-2009?

President GHW Bush appointed Justice David Souter to succeed William J. Brennan, Jr., in 1990. Souter retired in 2009 and was replaced by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Is David Souter a Republican or Democrat?

President George H. W. Bush appointed retired Justice David Souter to the US Supreme Court in 1990, assuming he was a conservative. Justice Souter turned out to be more liberal than expected, but many of his friends are conservative politicians. His party affiliation is undisclosed.

What state did United States Justice David Hackett Souter represent?

He was born in Massachusetts but his political base was New Hamshire. He has retired from the Supreme Court.

Which US Supreme Court justices were from New Hampshire?

Two US Supreme Court justices were natives of New Hampshire:Levi Woodbury.............1845-1851.....PolkDavid Hackett Souter....1990-2009.....GHW Bush

What was surprising about Justice Souter's votes once he got on the US Supreme Court?

Justice Souter was much more liberal than President GHW Bush expected him to be.

Who was Justice Brennan's successor on the Supreme Court?

George W. Bush nominated Justice Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor upon her retirement in January 2006. Alito is currently an incumbent.

What President has made the most appointments to the current US Supreme Court?

There is a four-way tie for that honor. Two of President Reagan's three appointees remain on the Court; and Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama have each appointed two during their administrations. President George HW Bush also appointed two US Supreme Court justices, but Justice Souter retired in 2009.President Ronald ReaganSandra Day O'Connor..................1981 - 2006 (retired)Antonin Scalia............................1986 - PresentAnthony Kennedy........................1988 - PresentPresident George HW BushDavid Hackett Souter..................1990 - 2009 (retired)Clarence Thomas........................1991 - PresentPresident Bill ClintonRuth Bader Ginsburg...................1993 - PresentStephen Breyer...........................1994 - PresentPresident George W. BushJohn G. Roberts, Jr......................2005 - Present (Chief Justice)Samuel Alito...............................2006 - PresentPresident Barack ObamaSonia Sotomayor.........................2009 - PresentElena Kagan...............................2010 - Present

Who is the latest supreme Court justice to retire?


What was the result of reagans and bush appointments to the supreme court?

to make the supreme court more conservative

What political party is David Souter in?

Retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court David Souter is a Republican. He was born in 1939 in Melrose, MA.

How old is David Souter?

Retired Supreme Court justice David Souter is 77 years old (birthdate: September 17, 1939).