The President pro tempore is the second highest ranking official of the United States Senate . He is a senator who is elected to his position by the Senate.In actual practice it is not unusual for the vice-president and pro temp to both be absent. In that case another senator or, I think, one of the staff serves as time-keeper and keeps track of who has the floor.
Congress can override an executive order by the President if they have a 2/3 majority vote. They can also pass legislation that won't allow funding for whatever the President wants to do. This keeps our government from becoming a dictatorship.
The plane that carries the President of the United States of America is always called Air Force One. ANY plane he transfers to adopts the name while the President is on board, while all other planes he had been on revert to their standard 'name' (such as a '747').
check and balance is when overlapping powers give each branch powers in the other two. For example, the President has power to veto Congress's legislation as well as Congress having the power to override the President's veto. it also work with the branches of govenrment to work together
The Madisonian Model distributes the powers of federal government. This keeps more major factions from having to much control or influence over the government
There is no amendment that states that, it is simply the way things are done. It is more of a political norm than anything. There is no law banning it.
The Second.
The Right to keeps and bear arms
The 2nd Amendment
It keeps it flexible and living by all the voting.
No its just a myth :)
Keeps their insides in.
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prevents the government from interfering in religion. It also gives people the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose.
If a president hasn't touched a bill for 10 days then a Pocket Veto is Issued
Offer a means for American citizens to change the government if necessary.