guys how stupid are you, you cant answer a question about what ARTICLE and SECTION this is your not! answering! THE FRICKEN QUESTION!
The Congress.
Government cannot hold two positions at once for one reason. The reason that government cannot not hold two positions at once is so everyone will have a chance at term.
An office in government.
The Federalists, who wanted strong government, were reluctant to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution. They said that the rights of American people were already made known in the body of the constitution. The Anti-Federalists, who wanted strong local and state governments, wanted the rights of Americans explicitly listed so they could not be changed, challenged, or argued.
There are wide variety of different positions held in the federal government office. Some of these positions include Attorney General and Secretary of State.
The President has these powers. These powers are granted to to him and him alone by the Constitution.
The Congress.
In the US, from the constitution. Back in the 18th century, when the constitution was written, it was decided how our government would be chosen and what positions it would include, and essentially we follow that idea and vote on or otherwise appoint our government
The Congress.
He can appoint new people to several positions such as his cabinet secretaries and ambassadors. He can ask Congress to abolish positions. He may be able to cut positions on his White House staff.
Government positions were prestigious.
Ambassadors, Federal judges and Cabinet members fall into this category.
There are about 1000 appointments that the President of the United States makes that requires the approval of the congress. Some of the positions includes ambassadors to the foreign nation, attorneys and marshal, and secretaries to the 15 cabinet agencies.
Government cannot hold two positions at once for one reason. The reason that government cannot not hold two positions at once is so everyone will have a chance at term.