Article V. Either Congress or the states (in constitutional convention) PROPOSE amendments, but only the states ratify.
Once the states ratify, the Constitution IS changed - Congress has no role following ratification. The states never need Congress's permission to amend.
The process of choosing President and Vice-President is in the Twelfth Amendment now. However as far as "in the Constitution" goes, the process is found in Article II.
Commerce between the states, and a state's representation in the senate
Article Four of the Constitution outlines the relationship between each state and the others, as well as between the several States and the federal government.
i dont konw
Article V
Article VI
Article V
Amendment Process -PrinceBlast
Article V proscribes the amendment process.
Amendment 5. Cheers!
Article seven describes the process by which the Constitution was ratified and took effect
Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution may be altered. Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification
Both Article III, Section 2 and Amendment XIspecify federal court jurisdictionRead more: Which_parts_of_the_Constitution_describe_the_federal_courts'_jurisdiction
The process of choosing President and Vice-President is in the Twelfth Amendment now. However as far as "in the Constitution" goes, the process is found in Article II.
Commerce between the states, and a state's representation in the senate
Article V of US Constitution describes the method of introducing an amendment in the constitution. For an amendment to be instituted, it has to be approved by both houses of US Congress with a two third majority. An amendment approved in such a manner does not require President's approval and is directly sent to states for ratification.