The Internal Revenue Service which is a part of the Executive branch collects taxes. The Legislative branch which is Congress creates taxes.
The branch of government that is responsible for collecting taxes is the executive branch. Specifically, it is the IRS, which is under the Department of the Treasury, who collects taxes.
The Executive Branch enforces the laws which includes the tax laws. The IRS is a government agency headed by the Executive Branch. The Legislative branch creates the tax laws.
The Legislative Branchdeclares warregulates interstate and foreign commercelays and collects taxes;pays debts;provides for the common defense and general welfare
The national debt can be repaid by taxes, but only if the amount of other spending is less than the amount of taxes that are collected. If the government continues to spend more money every year than it collects in taxes, then the debt will necessarily increase.
Local government collects local taxes, it provides local services such as the emergency, social, housing and medical services
The Legislative Branch is the main branch that collects taxes
Legislative/congress branch.
Legislative/congress branch.
The branch of government that is responsible for collecting taxes is the executive branch. Specifically, it is the IRS, which is under the Department of the Treasury, who collects taxes.
The legislative branch lays and collects taxes. They have what is called the power of the purse. They control everything that involves federal money.
The Executive Branch enforces the laws which includes the tax laws. The IRS is a government agency headed by the Executive Branch. The Legislative branch creates the tax laws.
The Internal Revenue Service is the department that collects taxes. The Internal Revenue Service collects the money for the US Department of Treasury.
Missouri Department of Revenue collects all the state taxes in Missouri.
Usually your local county or parish tax office collects the property taxes for the area that you owe the taxes in.
Only Congress can levy taxes. The President, through the IRS (a branch of the Treasury Dept.) collects the taxes.