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Q: Which branch of government conducts investigations when problems occur?
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What branch of government conducts impeachment hearings?

The Legislative Branch

Who conducts research drafts bills and writes speeches in our government today?

legislative branch

What branch of government is involved in trials and judgment?

The Judicial branch conducts trials and sentences convicted persons.

Which deals with thejudicial branch of government?

according to Marshall, which branches of government deal with public problems?

What branch conducts impeachments?

The Congress is the branch that conducts impeachment hearings. Those who are found guilty are relieved of any public responsibilities and removed from office.

What are the investigative bodies of the government?

VIrtually every agency of every branch of government has the capability of conducting investigations. The question is too broad to answer unless the scope is narrowed down to a more particular area.

Does the executive branch enforce the nations law?

Yes it enforces the law while, judicial interprets the laws and the legislative makes them.

What branch conducts impeachment hearings?

The Congress is the branch that conducts impeachment hearings. Those who are found guilty are relieved of any public responsibilities and removed from office.

As in the federal government most of the work in the legislative branch is done in?

Most of the work in the legislative branch of the federal government is done in Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress is responsible for creating and passing laws, as well as overseeing the budget and conducting investigations.

How do each branch of government have power over another?

Type your answer here... Because they talk over economic problems.

Is the IRS government a legit branch?

No, the IRS government is not a legit branch. The IRS works for a branch of the government but it does not have its own branch. The IRS works for the executive branch.

What branch of government forms committees to oversee activities of the Executive Branch?

The legislative branch forms committees to oversee the activities of the Executive Branch. These committees are typically found in both the Senate and the House of Representatives and play an important role in conducting hearings, performing investigations, and providing oversight over the executive agencies and departments.