What gives you that idea.
Do you know what branches are?
However, randomly selected juries are part of the judicial branch & are not paid for their services.
The head of the Executive Branch in the US is the President.
Social Security is the branch of government that may or may not pay for home health serves. To qualify, certain criteria must be met.
True. Since the vice president is the second highest official in the executive branch of government and the Senate is part of the legislative branch, this is one way in which the two branches are drawn closer.
No branch serves for life. Some officers and officials serve for life. For example, federal judges serve for life.
When the government no longer serves the people, it is the responsibility of the people by what ever means possible to replace the government .
The president
The head of the Executive Branch in the US is the President.
The executive branch of the american government is made up of the president, the vice president, and the president cabinet.
Vice president
the Mayor is an el electe official who serves is an official government capacity
In the United States, the United States Supreme Court justices serve without a fixed term or salary. They receive a set salary and are appointed for life upon confirmation by the Senate.
Social Security is the branch of government that may or may not pay for home health serves. To qualify, certain criteria must be met.
Legislators. The entire House of Representatives serves 2 year terms.
The US President is the Comander in Chief of the US Military
The US President is the Comander in Chief of the US Military
The electoral college serves only one purpose and that is to elect the president and vice president every four years. The president is, of course, the head of the executive branch of the US government.