Usually, the branch of government is the court system, and in most states ultimate responsibility lies with the highest court in the State. In many states, there is a susidiary agency, answerable to the top court, that processes complaints about attorney conduct. Search the Web. Include the name of the state, and the terms: attorney discipline regulation registration bar "bar association". If you come up with a bar association web site, call them. They'll know. So will the top court, usually the "Supreme Court" (but called the Court of Appeals in NY). Or, call your local courthouse and ask.
There are no constitutional qualifications for becoming a judge or justice in the Judicial Branch; however, there are informal qualification that change over time.
So that if there comes a time when the state (the government per se) or a member of it gets involved in a legal situation or a lawsuit, the judicial branch is separated enough from the other branches of government to not be bribed and to make the right and just decision for the case.
The abuse of power can be prevented by having a legal document for laws and regulations such as our Constitution. Also having a system of checks and balances where more than one person can veto another persons bill, law, or rulings.
Checks and balances were created to keep any one branch of government, or any person in government from having too much power.
The courts decide questions of law, which is the juducial branch. In the US, the highest court is the US Supreme Court.
There is nolegal or government entity that regulates auctioneers in the US, but laws and regulations formulated by states.
The Legislative Branch.
The judicial branch.
The judicial branch determines if a law is constitutional or not.
The Judicial Branch
Not directly. A committee of parliament, who are appionted from all major parties, has input into the appointments process of a committee of the judiciary itself. The choices are from the legal profession and only will be questioned by the parliamentary committee if there is a controversial choice.
Our legal justice system is defined by a state or the US Constitution as the judicial branch of Government.
Building a Better Legal Profession was created in 2007.
The judicial branch of government is responsible for interpreting and applying the law. It oversees the enforcement of laws and ensures that they are being implemented appropriately. This branch is typically comprised of courts and judges who oversee legal proceedings and make determinations on legal matters.
(in the US) If you are referring to the Governor of a state - no, they cannot. The Governor is part of the Executive Branch of government not the Judicial Branch, therefore they cannot issue legal rulings.
The Legislative branch makes law. The Judicial branch ensures that those laws are legal and meet the requirements of the US Constitution, and the Executive branch enforces those laws.
The Court system. Judges decide on whether the laws mad by the Legislative branch are followed or are legal. the Executive branch enforces the laws.