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The founding fathers saw the necessity for the Constitution to be strengthen and made flexible for changes that may be needed. The Due Process Clause was added to the US Constitution to give it teeth and flexibility.

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Q: Which clause was added to the constitution to give it teeth and flexibility?
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Which clause was added to the Constitution to give itteeth and flexibility?

The founding fathers saw the necessity for the Constitution to be strengthen and made flexible for changes that may be needed. The Due Process Clause was added to the US Constitution to give it teeth and flexibility.

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Yes, teeth can be added to valplast partials.

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Do trumpeter swans have teath?

no, but they can do damage with their beak ADDED: They have abrasive surfaces in their beak that are sort of like teeth, but not teeth in the same sense a mammal has teeth.

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I don't believe it does! The teeth were added after the discovery.

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carbamide peroxide

How many teeth does an adult dog?

An adult dog has 42 teeth. It's important to keep your dog's teeth healthy throughout adulthood. Several brands of dog food and dog treats make items with added calcium and other minerals to clean and strengthen dogs' teeth.

What mineral when added to water is believed to provide protection for children's teeth?

Flouride.. :)

What element is added to juices to help build strong bones and teeth?

Calcium is typically added to juices to help build strong bones and teeth. Calcium is an essential mineral that supports bone health and is important for overall growth and development.

Which mineral when added to water supplies is responsible for lowering the rate of dental carries in the US?

Fluoride... It's routinely added to domestic water supplies, to help strengthen peoples' teeth.

Why is pumice used for removing plaque from teeth?

Because plaque has to be physically removed from teeth pumice is an accessible, rough substance that can be grinded down by manufactures and sold to dentists when added in a paste. The roughness of pumice makes it easier to remove the plaque clinging a multiplying on teeth.

Why the Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution?

The Constitution itself didn't really cover individual rights in the same way that the states' Constitutions did. This made many of the states weary about ratifying the Constitution, Virginia especially. James Madison, a Virginian, spoke on behalf of his state when he said that they would ratify the Constitution only if he could add a Bill of Rights to it.