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The Elastic Clause is the clause in the Constitution that gives Congress the most general non specific power. It is in Section 8 of the Constitution.

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Clause 8
The "elastic" clause

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Q: Which clauses gives congress the most general non specific power?
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Is specific data better than general data?

Specific data gives you more information and is more reliable.

What gives the congress the ability to do more than is stated in the constitution?

the elastic clause

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The Necessary and Proper clause gives flexibility to congress.

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The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

What gives Congress unlimited power to make laws?

The Constitution of the United States, in Article 1, gives the Congress the authority to make laws, but this power is not "unlimited". The Constitution, in Article 1 Section 8, grants the Congress 18 "enumerated powers"; beyond these, the Congress is not authorized to make laws. Additionally, the Bill of Rights has a list of specific restrictions that limit the power of Congress and the Federal government.

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preposition - it gives position conjunctions "JOIN" phrases or clauses (most common and, but, & or)

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What gives the congress the power to pass any law it needs for the government to work

Where does the congress get the power to do things that are not listed in the constitution?

The elastic clause, which gives the Congress the power of executing "foregoing powers."

Does congress have the power to tax citizens?

Congress has the power to tax 'provide for the common defense and general welfare.' Article I of the Constitution gives Congress this power.

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to the congress, most likely to the congress, most likely

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A general description of where a place is located is called its geographical location or spatial positioning. This gives information about the specific coordinates or region where the place is situated on the Earth's surface.