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The Northern or New England colonies favored independence from Britain versus reconciliation. The middle colonies were in favor of reconciliation.

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Q: Which colonies favored independence over reconciliation?
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What did John Dickinson have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

John Dickinson was one of several delegates from Pennsylvania to the Second Continental Congress during the debate over declaring independence from Great Britain. He was against declaring independence, because he believed that the problems between the colonies and Great Britain could be reconciled and the colonies could remain part of the British empire. He favored remaining part of the empire because the colonies would enjoy continued protection from Great Britain from other colonial powers such as France and Spain. He also believed that the colonies could not possibly win a war against Great Britain with its large army and navy. Even though the Pennsylvania delegation eventually approved the resolution for independence and the Declaration of Independence itself, John Dickinson did not sign it.

What does the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies have to do with the Revolution?

The Declaration of Independence was the written separation from England by the Thirteen Colonies. It basically stated that England no longer had control over the colonies, and was signed by the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies.

According to the Declaration of Independence what does the King of England want to establish in America?

According to the Declaration of Independence the King of England wanted to establish "absolute Tyranny over these" colonies.

Who was the first person born in the US after the Declaration of Independence was signed?

This can't be answered since in 1775 the majority of the people in the colonies had been born there. The colonies began in 1607 so you are asking about over a hundred years.

What were four important factors in breaking ties between britain and its colonies?

The colonies' major complaints were that there was too much political control from Britain, as well as too many taxes, and a lack of independence in governing the colonies. The colonies also wanted to have tighter control over the native population. The solution was for the colonies to break ties with Britain and subservience to the monarchy.

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What was not a common argument to support American colonist Declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What did John Dickinson have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

John Dickinson was one of several delegates from Pennsylvania to the Second Continental Congress during the debate over declaring independence from Great Britain. He was against declaring independence, because he believed that the problems between the colonies and Great Britain could be reconciled and the colonies could remain part of the British empire. He favored remaining part of the empire because the colonies would enjoy continued protection from Great Britain from other colonial powers such as France and Spain. He also believed that the colonies could not possibly win a war against Great Britain with its large army and navy. Even though the Pennsylvania delegation eventually approved the resolution for independence and the Declaration of Independence itself, John Dickinson did not sign it.

What country took over the 13 colonies?

England or great Britain controlled the colonies back then before the united states gained their independence

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonists declaration of independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was a common argument given in support of the American colonists Declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonist's declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

Was not a common argument given in support of the American colonists' declaration of independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

Are the products favored over the reactants or the reactants favored over the products?

The products are favored over the reactants if the reaction is exothermic, releasing energy. Conversely, the reactants are favored over the products if the reaction is endothermic, requiring energy input.

What did Benjamin Franklin risk when he signed the Declaration of Independence?

he singed and risked because he could not have british ruling over the colonies while he tried to unite them and declaration of independence stated that colonies were free from british (which we were technically not)

What does the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies have to do with the Revolution?

The Declaration of Independence was the written separation from England by the Thirteen Colonies. It basically stated that England no longer had control over the colonies, and was signed by the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies.

Why most french speaking countries are from Africa?

France used to rule over vast colonies in Africa, especially in the west and central parts of the continent, after independence over 20 countries were formed from these colonies.

How did Great Britain rule over the 13 colonies?

With native colonials appointed as royal governors of their respective colonies. They were appointed by the King