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Reliance on human reason can lead to chaos and destruction.
The emphasis on logic and rationality in industrial society
anarchy and chaos
The cast of Der letzte Dadaist - 1998 includes: Kurt Bigger as Dadaist Michael Schnell as Dadaist
Being a pronoun "Dadaist" remains the same.
A dadaist named Jean refers to Jean Arp, a French-German artist and poet who was associated with the Dada movement. Arp was known for his abstract sculptures and collages, which often incorporated unconventional materials and processes. He was a prominent figure in the development of Dada and later became one of the founders of the Surrealist movement.
The dadaist artists did do art that did not share a universal style done by the other artists.
Max Ernst
He was a dadaist.
Marcel Duchamp was an Avant garde artist associated with the Dadaist movement. He dismissed what he called retinal art, meant only to be considered visually. Instead, he wanted art to engage the mind.
He was a surrealist, Dadaism flourished some years earlier.
Gunnar Ekelo f has written: 'Ikoner' 'Gunnar Ekelo f, dadaist-constructivist'