No, the Democratic Party predates it by a couple of decades.
The Democratic Party supports Obama for President. The Democratic Party will not be bullied by Republicans.
Many decades ago, the democrats received the votes of the solid south. This was at a time when the republicans were considered more liberal than democrats.
He was in the Democratic Party.
Answer this question… The Republican party
No, the Democratic Party predates it by a couple of decades.
One political party held power for decades
Republican Party is younger than the Democratic Party.
Union members and the union movement have been a long time historical support group for the Democratic party. But they are joined by educators, smart people, people who are immigrants and minorities who seek the same rights as everybody else. Progressives find more comfort in the Democratic Party.
Union members and the union movement have been a long time historical support group for the Democratic party. But they are joined by educators, smart people, people who are immigrants and minorities who seek the same rights as everybody else. Progressives find more comfort in the Democratic Party.
Who started the Democratic Party? Who started the Democratic Party?
The Democratic-Republican Party was the forerunner of the Democratic Party. It was started by Thomas Jefferson.
There is no supervisor for the Democratic party.
What did the Democratic Party and the Whig party have in common
The Democratic Party supports Obama for President. The Democratic Party will not be bullied by Republicans.
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party is Washington State's Majority party.