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Q: Which group describes the rights and responsibilities of the executive branch?
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Does the executive branch have power to suspend a citizens civil rights during war time?


What department of federal government protects a citizens civil rights?

The supreme court and executive branch share this job

What are the main powers of the executive branch?

the executive branch grant important rights to small children and family pets, if said child or pet has been in a devistating moped accident. the executive branch grant important rights to small children and family pets, if said child or pet has been in a devistating moped accident.

What is the role of the judicial branch in protecting the rights of individuals?

The simple definition is the Judicial Branch of the government is to interpret laws and decide if they follow the guidelines as it is laid out to the Constitution. The Legislative Branch makes the laws, the Executive Branch is to enforce the laws.

What describes the philosophical differences between the Federalists and Republicans as of 1800?

Federalists supported a flexible interpretation of the Constitution, a strong central government, and military buildup funded by taxes; Republicans supported a strict interpretation of the Constitution, states' rights, and a smaller federal budget. -- APEX ~APEX~ Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch. Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one.Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one. Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch

Related questions

What are separated powers?

Separated powers are the rights and responsibilities that are divided among the various branches of government. These branches include the executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch.

What are the three major responsibilities of the judicial branch?

Three of the responsibilities that the judicial branch has isinterpreting state laws,settling legal disputes,and protecting individual rights

How did the executive branch of government help the civil rights movement?


Does the executive branch have power to suspend a citizens civil rights during war time?


Did the federalists favor the judicial branch?

The Federalists favored the Executive branch. They were all for strengthening the presidential powers and keeping the states rights limited.

Which branch of government is most responsible for defining and protecting rights?

The Legislative Branch creates laws. The Judicial Branch interprets and applies the law, and the Executive Branch enforces the law. Or Judicial.... APEX (: !

Which branch of government is most responsible defining and protecting rights?

The Legislative Branch creates laws. The Judicial Branch interprets and applies the law, and the Executive Branch enforces the law. Or Judicial.... APEX (: !

Why do you have seperation of power?

Separation of powers is a fundamental principle in many democracies to prevent concentration of power in one branch of government. It helps ensure a system of checks and balances, where each branch (executive, legislative, and judicial) has its own distinct powers and responsibilities to avoid abuse of power and protect the rights of citizens.

What department of federal government protects a citizens civil rights?

The supreme court and executive branch share this job

What actions did the executive branch take up to help end unfair discrimination?

Civil rights act of 1965.

How do the separation of powers apply with respect to same-sex marriage?

It is the duty of the Legislative Branch of government to pass laws that protect the civil rights of the American people.It is the duty of the Judicial Branch to evaluate the current laws and strike down as unconstitutional any that violate the civil rights of the American people. When the legislative branch fails, the judicial branch steps in.It is the duty of the executive branch to uphold the civil rights of the American people while enforcing the Constitution and the just laws of the nation. When the legislative and judicial branches fail, the executive branch steps in.

How does the governmental system of checks and balances apply to same-sex marriage?

It is the duty of the Legislative Branch of government to pass laws that protect the civil rights of the American people.It is the duty of the Judicial Branch to evaluate the current laws and strike down as unconstitutional any that violate the civil rights of the American people. When the legislative branch fails, the judicial branch steps in.It is the duty of the executive branch to uphold the civil rights of the American people while enforcing the Constitution and the just laws of the nation. When the legislative and judicial branches fail, the executive branch steps in.