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group that feared a powerfull national gevernement

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Q: Which group feared the Constitution would make the central government too powerful and weaken the states?
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What group feared the constitution would make the central government too powerful and weaken the states?


How were federalists different from the republicans in how they felt about powerful central government?

The Federalists wanted a strong central government whereas the Republicans feared a strong central government.

The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution to limit the power of?

The Framers of the US Constitution who were not Federalists feared a strong central government. Because of this ten amendments were attached to the US Constitution. These 10, called the Bill of Rights, were an added protection against a central government that might become too powerful.

Which group feared the central government would be too powerful and take power away from states?


Why did many oppose the national bank?

Citizens feared that a central bank placed too much power in the hands of the federal government.

Why did the anti-federalist oppose the constitution?

The anti-federalists objected the constitution because they thought it made the central government too strong and feared that the US would become a monarchy.

Group that feared a powerful national government?


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Why did the anti federalists object to the proposed constitution?

The anti-federalists opposed the constitution because they felt it made the government too Why_did_the_anti_federalists_object_to_the_proposed_constitution. Anti-federalists feared that the government would become tyrannical. Their opposition to the constitution ultimately lead to the creation of the Bill of Rights. This is the reason why the anti-federalists opposed the constitution.

What is the name of the group that feared a powerful national government?

the antifederalist

How did the federalists feel about a strong central government?

The Federalists wanted a strong central government whereas the Republicans feared a strong central government.

What group feared a strong central government?

antifederalists :)