The only time there has been military occupation is after the civil war. The president your question refers to would be Andrew Johnson and the revisions would be the addition of the 13 and 14 amendments, so the time frame would be 1864-1867. That's the only time I can think of that fits all the factors in your question. The next time your get a question like this break it down into it's parts. I suspect you could have answered this had you done that.
Debs ran in 1900 as a democrat, but for his other four attempts he ran as a Socialist democrat.
Presidents do not need the approval to send troops anywhere in the world. However, generally the president attempts to have a consensus with Congress when sending troops somewhere.
Ronald Reagan was the only President, besides the four who were killed, to be injured by in an assassination attempts. Gerald Ford and Franklin Roosevelt were fired at but the shots missed them.
Yes, he was shot in 1901 by a deranged anarchist. He died two months later after unsuccessful attempts to remove the bullet, and was succeeded by his Vice President Theodore Roosevelt.
William McKinley was the 25th president to be assassinated.
There were no recorded assassination attempts made against President Van Buren.
professional organization
Both attempts were in California.
professional organization
Gerald Ford.
Gerald Ford.
Fidel Castro
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford.
Gerald Ford.
Gerald Ford by "Sqeaky" Fromm.
Andrew Jackson