putting events in their proper order requires which of these historical skills
Answer this question… offer possible answers to historical questions.
A timeline is dates in order and thinking chronologically is also thinking in order of events.
Striking the ball squarely with the face of the putter is essential to holing the ball. However, you must know the lie of the green in order to determine your shot's direction.
Timeline is important because, is a vital thing to do. It keeps information in the order that it has to be in. Dates are also very well orginaized in a timeline as well as sequence of events that the information could be in.
check primary and secondary sources related to the event - apex
history as common memory
Sequencing of events is another term for putting things in chronological order. This is the act of putting events together in the order that they happened.
it means to put in order
Sequencing of events is another term for putting things in chronological order. This is the act of putting events together in the order that they happened.
Good readers will try to make sense of the events by putting them into chronological order inside their minds!
Chronological order is natural to people, so putting events into order helps you to understand and remember them better. Events that are out of order are more confusing, and so harder to understand.
chronological thinking
The definition of a Chronicle is: "a description of (historical) events in the order that they happened".