all of the following are explicit limitations placed placed by the constitution on the use of commerce power...
- Taxation of exports.
- Prohibition of favoring one state's ports over another.
- Prohibition of requiring vessels from one state to pay duties in another state.
-Could not do anything to limit the slave trade for 20 years, until 1808
Its grants power over congress over interstate commerce
limit the power
Its grants power over congress over interstate commerce
The Constitution places extremely heavy and borderline burdensome limits on the legislative and law enforcement powers of the federal government. Since around the turn of the twentieth century these lawful limits have largely been ignored by those in power in the federal government.
the Bill of Rights
Congress cannot regulate foreign trade.
The criticism of the Texas constitution is that it did not limit the power of government enough. The constitution of the state would be re-written to limit government power in the state.
Its grants power over congress over interstate commerce
The Constitution.
The Constitution limits the president's power based on checks and balance.
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution assigns that authority to Congress in the "Interstate Commerce Clause."
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution assigns that authority to Congress in the "Interstate Commerce Clause."
regulating interstates and foreign trade
The Constitution limits the power of government by specifically listing powers it does and does not have.
The Commerce Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) delegates to Congress the power.