**You're thinking of the 18th-century English legal scholar, William Blackstone.
And his exact quote goes like this:
"It is better that ten guilty men go free than that one innocent man be convicted."**
Or perhaps they are thinking of Thurgood Marshall's Speech "The Sword and the Robe" where he said...
"I was raised in the days when the prevailing maxim was: "It is better that a thousand guilty people go free than that one innocent person suffer unjustly.
Well, that's just what I was taught, and maybe I was taught wrong. But the suggestion that we as judges take sides frightens me for another, more fundamental reason as well."
Have you ever heard of the term" founding fathers "you may have wondered just who these men were and what they did to earn this tittle. Not everyone agrees on who should be given this tittle. But generally speaking, are founding fathers were the statesmen who worked to secure our independence from Great Britain in seventeen seventy six. Our founding fathers founded our nation and designed our democratic form of government that still exists today; over two hundred years later the founding father wrote two very important documents from are history. The first was the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States of America
In reading what John Adams wrote about happened in Congress as they debated the Declaration it seems that they did know that Britain would take it seriously. As Congress argued about it a sighting of a hundred British ships were sighted off of New York and these were the first of a fleet that would number over 400. Ben Franklin's comment when the final copy was signed on August 2, 1776 shows that they knew that there would be action by the British. He stated " We must all hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately." The ships flying the Union Jack that had arrived in NY one witness described as looking like "all London afloat" was only the start of the overwhelming show of power and by mid August 32,000 fully equipped highly trained professional troops were in Staten Island. The war was on.
seven thousand seven hundred seven
One hundred thirty million
Ward McAllister
Theodore Roosevelt was over a hundred years too late to be a 'founding father'. Teddy was born 1859 and died 1919.
Have you ever heard of the term" founding fathers "you may have wondered just who these men were and what they did to earn this tittle. Not everyone agrees on who should be given this tittle. But generally speaking, are founding fathers were the statesmen who worked to secure our independence from Great Britain in seventeen seventy six. Our founding fathers founded our nation and designed our democratic form of government that still exists today; over two hundred years later the founding father wrote two very important documents from are history. The first was the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States of America
This is a very complex question, the United States today are nothing like what was imagined by the founding fathers. For example, in the house of Representatives they believed that the largest districts would be about 10,000 people, but today they can be a hundred times that. A second example is the U.S. as a unipolar power, the founding fathers did not want the U.S. to be involved in foreign diplomacy at all, but today we are the worlds super power. (See George Washington's Farewell speech.)
i am the orphan.
Yes; many, if not most founding fathers, were abolitionists. It has been stated that as many as 75% of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence were abolitionists. The abolitiontionist movement began as early as 1773. By 1804, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey had passed laws to help release slaves and outlaw importation of new slaves. Even Thomas Jefferson, who had once owned nearly six hundred slaves himself, proposed the abolition of slavery in Virginia in 1778 and again in 1796.
They are especially influential because they explain what the Founding Fathers really meant when they wrote the Constitution. Knowing the original intent of the Framers is very important for interpreting the Constitution over two hundred years after it was written.so in novelstars terms ...reveal the intent of the Framers of the Constitution
Genetic Drift
There were more like two hundred innocent. That many people were accused and jailed and none of them were guilty of their supposed crimes.
Founder Effect
Founder Effect
By "he" I assume you mean Benjamin Franklin! Ben Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. and arguably one of the most accomplished and intelligent men in history. He was a scientist, writer, publisher, composer, politician, and philosopher, as well as being a major voice in helping to write the Constitution - just to name a few talents. Any one of those alone should rate being on a banknote, and he did them all.
Richard W. Ellis has written: 'Five hundred years of printing from type' -- subject(s): History, Printing, Specimens, Type and type-founding