Governments were established among men to bring law and order. People need some form of leadership and this how governments came into being.
social contract theory
The United States requires that all the states governments should have a republican form of government. The republican governments that is instituted by the state governments must be on the basis of the national union.
A direct democracy form of government gives people the most significant amount of political influence. A dictatorship allows the least amount of political influence.
People form governments for many different reasons. These people form governments so that they can be more powerful and stand up for their rights for example.
people form governments because it is an esstianl part of socity without a sysytem to govern everything will be in kahos
People form governments to keep everyone in order. For example if you make up a law, if you have no government you will not be able to get the law passed on because you need governments authorization. That is why people form governments.people form that because the want to
governments and laws derive their legitimacy form the consent of the people.
Governments were established among men to bring law and order. People need some form of leadership and this how governments came into being.
In the medieval ages, most governments were monarchies. As we got more into modern times however, the people revolted and set up their own form of governments.
Contract theory
contract theory TeTe!! <3
form local governments- apex hope this helps ladies and gents
The Greeks believed that people could use their minds and reason to choose and run good governments.
social contract theory