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The House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives

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According to Article 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution, all revenues originate in the House of Representatives

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House of Representatives

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Legislative Branch

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The House of Representatives.

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Q: Which of the two houses of congress has the power to originate any revenue bills?
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In Congress where must all revenue bills originate?

the house of representatives

Where do all erevenue bills originate?

In the United States Congress all revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives as opposed to the Senate

Who has the right to vote on the reform bills in the US government?

All federal bills are voted on by the members of the two houses of Congress and all members have the same right to vote on all bills. Bills for raising revenue must originate in the House but there are ways around this requirement.

What is a bill to raise money called?

The bills proposed to raise money for the federal government are called revenue bills. Revenue bills must pass through both houses, but originate in the House of Representatives.

What bills must originate the house?

All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House.

What are the Shared Powers Of COngress?

Both houses of Congress have the power to pass legislation. Revenue bills must start in the House of Representatives, but they must pass through both houses.

In which house does all revenue legislation originate?

All revenue, tax, and "money bills" originate in the House of Representatives

All bills for raising what must originate from the house of representatives?


In what house must revenue bills originate?

The House of Representatives.

What house must revenue bills originate?

The House of Representatives.

What powers does the house of representives have?

originate bills for making revenue

Where do money bills and appropriation bills originate in congress?

The House of Representatives.