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Q: Which of these is a reason for government subsidization of goods and services?
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In the circular flow of goods and services what does the government use money payment to provide?

Goods and services

Is the current US economy is based primarily on the production of Agricultural goods Goods for Federal government use Manufacturing goods or Services?


Why is government tax money is not used to produce most consumer goods?

Consumer goods are made by private industries.Consumer goods are paid for by private businesses that are trying to make a profit. Taxes instead go toward government programs and services. One reason for this is that the government does not generally charge money for its services (like a police force), so people instead pay taxes to maintain them.

How do the Caribbean government worktogether?

by trading goods and services

Is goods and services tax submitted to the government by your employer?


How does the nations government choose which public goods and services to produce?

The nation's government choose which public goods and services to produce because its a command market which allow the government to make all the choices.

What is gst mean?

goods and services taxThe goods and services tax (GST) is a Canadian value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. The tax is levied to provide revenue for the federal government. The GST is paid by consumers, but it is levied and remitted to the government by businesses selling the goods and services.

What Type of economy in which the government decides which goods and services will be available?

A command economy is one in which the government decides which goods and services will be available. There is officially no free market in a command economy.

What does a government do in a socialist country?

set prices for goods and services

What does the government do in the socialist country?

set prices for goods and services

Which of these is the payment to the government in the circular flow of goods and services?


In the circular flow of goods and services what does the government use money payments to provide?

Goods and services