Secretary of the United Nations
The example of this cabinet is the Government States
They now have 15.
haha I don' know
The President of the United States appoints Cabinet members to assist in the carrying out of the Presidential power of day to day operations in the White House. Members of the Cabinet in managerial positions have to be approved by Congress.
The president appoints cabinet members with senate approval.
No, the president is not mandated to have a cabinet. It would not be advisable for a president to go without a cabinet because they act to help the president make educated decision on policies. The Constitution does not mention anything about the president's cabinet.
Presidential Cabinet members are appointed by the president with approval of the US Senate.
There are actually 22 cabinet rank positions. 15 of the positions are cabinet departments. The other 7 are cabinet rank officials like the White Chief of Staff and United States Trade Representative.
The United States Constitution doesn't contain any information or references to Cabinet. However, principal officers in each executive branch are mentioned. Therefore, Cabinet members are usually heads of departments under the Executive Branch.
Education is a department in the Presidential Cabinet.
The example of this cabinet is the Government States
President Donald J. Trump's Cabinet includes Vice President Mike Pence and the heads of the 15 executive departments – the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury,
The cabinet positions are established by the US Congress.