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The introduction.

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Q: Which part of the Declaration functions to explain its purpose that is to justify the overthrow of British rule in America?
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Which part of the Declaration functions to explain its purpose (that is to justify the overthrow of British rule in America)?

The introduction.

Which part of the Declaration functions to explain its purpose (that is, to justify the overthrow of British rule in America)?


What is the purpose of introduction?

To introduce what the Declaration itself intends to do (that is, justify the American overthrow of British rule). OR It explains what the Declaration sets out to do - justify the overthrow of British rule.

The major purpose of the Declaration of Independence was?

justify the actions of people seeking to overthrow British colonial rule

What is the Thesis of the Declaration of Independence?

The thesis of the Declaration of Independence states that any people who are being abused or oppressed by their government has the right and duty to overthrow it and create a new one in its place. It also states that the citizens of America have undergone such abuse by the British government to make it necessary to fight for independence.

Why did America and the British fight?

The America and British fought because taxation with out representation they paid taxes with out someone representing them in Parliament <><><> The reasons for American dissatisfaction with the British government are spelled out in the Declaration of Independence- about halfway down. The link below will take you to the text of the Declaration.

What listed 27 specific complaints against the british rule in America?

declaration of independence

Why did people overthrow british rule in the revolutionary war?

America are selfish lazy pigs who didnt want to pay taxes to their motherland

When did America change to US of America?

The colonies, which became tired of British rule, united against the British. As part of the Declaration of Independence, they declared themselves states. There were no other independent nations that were of America (the Western Hemisphere). That is how America (the former British territory) became The United States of America.

What did the Declaration of the Independence do?

The Declaration of Independence declared the 13 British colonies on the east coast of America independent. The colonies were free as of July 4, 1776.

List the following events in the correct order. The Declaration of Independence is adopted. France recognizes America as an independent nation. Americans obtain military supplies by taking Fort Ticond?

The Declaration of Independence is adopted. Americans surround the British army in Boston. France recognizes America as independent.

What was the main purpose of th Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare independence from Great Britain and declare the United States of America a separate country. Signed on July 4, 1776, it is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States