Article V of the Constitution.
Congress has the power to do several things in order to instill checks and balances. Congress has the power to overturn Supreme Court rulings, impeach the President and to conduct trials and to remove officers from the other branches of government.
In most Western societies, the three branches of government are the:legislative, which creates law;judicial, which reviews law in application;executive, which executes law.
Many rights specifically granted to one branch of the US Government in the Constitution are thus prohibited to the other two. So any power specifically granted to the President or the Supreme Court (the Executive Veto for the first and the ability to find laws unconstitutional for the latter) are technically off-limits to the Congress. The Congress may also not pardon prisoners, as that is a right given to the President.
The state executive head would be the 'governor', who is elected by the people of their state.
Article 2
The executive branch of the government was created in Article II of the United States Constitution. The executive branch consists of the President, the Vice President, and other officials appointed by the president.
Article II, which provides for the powers of the Executive Branch
Article 1 of the Constitution
Article 3 of the constitution
you find it in the articles of executive branch
No only the Judicial Branch has the power to interpret laws. The Executive Branch carries out/enforces the laws.
Based on the time period in which the US Constitution was created, it was a landmark in the world's desire of having a democratic nation, with elections. No major power at that time had such a document ruling their nations. The US was small at the time, but it served (with flaws ) as a beacon of hope for the peoples of other countries. The US Constitution was created to ( for the most part ) to have a government without absolute power over the States of the new Union. It also divided power within itself by having three separate branches to make sure that one segment of power did not control the other two. So as an example, the Legislative branch proposes laws, not the Executive branch. In a situation whereby a law, actually a Bill is past by Congress it becomes a law when the head of the executive branch approves it. Congress can overide vetoes by the President. All laws are enforced by the executive branch, however, if a law is tested and brought to the 3rd branch of the federal government, it may find the law to be ' un Constitutional"
The Constitutional doctrine of separation of powersbetween the three branches--the executive, the legislative and the judicial--has evolved to preserve the coequality of the branches between the three, as envisaged in the U.S. Constitution. Essentially, the judicial branch interprets the laws, the legislative branches formulates the laws, and the executive branch executes and enforces the laws.The doctrine of checks and balances embodies the Constitutional powers of one branch to "check" or offset as to the others in some systemic way, the powers of the other two branches, while separation of powers otherwise serves to "balance" the coequality of the three branches.An example of a check accruing to the executive branch is the Presidential veto or the administrative rulemaking role of the executive branch. An example of a check accruing to the legislative branch is where a Presidential Executive Order must find its basis in Acts of Congress in order to be valid or the power to impeach and remove from office a President for misconduct constituted by "high crimes and misdemeanors". An example of a check accruing to the judicial branch is its power of judicial review to negate legislation that it deems unconstitutional, and the lifetime appointment, subject only to the legislative branch powers of impeachment and removal from office for misconduct, of federal judges.
To gather information to help it make laws, and it can find out how the executive branch is enforcing laws.
Article V of the Constitution.
Congress has the power to do several things in order to instill checks and balances. Congress has the power to overturn Supreme Court rulings, impeach the President and to conduct trials and to remove officers from the other branches of government.