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The Three Fifths Compromise

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Q: Which plan called for a multi-person executive?
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The New Jersey Plan?

The small states supported a less radical departure from the Articles of Confederation. The New Jersey Plan kept the one-house legislature, with its powers expanded to include raising revenue and regulating commerce. Each state had one vote, and the members were chosen by the state legislatures. A multiperson executive elected by the legislature was proposed. The executives, who were removable by action of the majority of the governors, also appointed judges to the Supreme Court. Laws passed by the legislature were binding on the states, and the multiperson executive was authorized to compel obedience to the law.

Which plan called for a plural executive in the executive branch of the government?

New Jersey Plan

What plan called for a group or committee working together as the executive?

New jersey plan

What is the Multiperson Comparison Method?

The Multiperson Comparison Method asks raters to compare one person's performance with that of one or more others

What plans called for a group or committee working together as executive?

New Jersey Plan

What plans called for group or committee working together as executive?

New Jersey Plan

What plan was vague to the structure of the executive but specified the national executive consist of a single person?

Virginia plan

What are the multiperson cycles called?

Multiperson cycles are commonly referred to as group or team dynamics. These cycles involve the interactions, relationships, and behaviors among multiple individuals working together towards a common goal. Understanding and managing group dynamics is important for promoting collaboration, communication, and productivity within teams.

What is Virginia plan about?

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The first general plan for the Constitution offered in Philadelphia. Its key points were a bicameral legislature, and an executive and a judiciary chosen by the national legislature.

What plan proposed a plural executive that would be elected by congress?

The New Jersey Plan proposed a plural executive that would be elected by Congress.

What was a following provision of the New Jersey plan?

An executive committee would lead the executive branch.

What is the government plan for interacting with the other countries of the world?

It's called Foreign Policy, which the chief executive (or the president) is in charge of.