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No, actually the reverse. The Constitution states that all powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government are reserved for the state.

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Reserved Powers

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Q: Which powers does the constitution specifically grant to the states?
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Which term describes the powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and does not at the same time deny to the States?

reserved powers

Should the Constitution be interpreted loosely to grant implied powers to the federal government?

The U.S. Constitution does not grant any :implied" powers to the federal government. The authority delegated to the federal government is narrow and explicit, according to Article 10, all powers not expressly provided by the Constitution is reserved exclusively to the States or to the People.

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No they can not, the United States Constitution specifically forbids states from issuing the letters of marque and reprisal. It is a power reserved for Congress. See Article I section 8 for Congressional Power, and Article I section 10 for the restriction on state's powers.

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NO, The Constitution grants NO powers to the spouse of ANY elected offficial

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These powers are conferred on the holder of the office of President by the constitution.

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what powers does a state legislature have? They have all of those powers that the state constitution does not grant exclusively to the executive or judicial branches of the State's government or its local units and neither the State constitution nor the United States Constitution denies to the legislature.

What is the job of the preamble?

The preamble to the Constitution is a general introduction and states the Constitution's purpose, as with any written document. It does not grant any powers to the Federal government. The powers given to the Federal government are few and defined and are specified in Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution.

Who has enumerated power?

The President, Congress, and federal courts have enumerated powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution. These powers specifically grant each branch the authority to carry out certain roles and functions in the government.

Powers which are granted to the states by the Constitution?

To lay and collect taxes, duties, impost and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfareof the united states, to borrow money on the credit of the united states,to regulate commerce with foreign nations, to establish a uniform rule of natualization. also known as reserved powers.

What in the constitution are the power of federal government?

The different branches of government are given different powers by the Constitution. Powers to tax, declare war, grant pardons, negotiate treaties, interpret the laws, and raise armies are some of the powers granted by the Constitution.

What powers are expressly given to the states in the constitution?

Some of the main powers that are expressly given to the legislature include the power to tax, the power to regulate commerce, and the power to declare war. These powers are found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.