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the first president whose mother was present at his inauguration was James Garfield.

I like so know mrs. siek did this for our classes....

FYI: its Jake mccrary. let me know if u see this.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Calvin Coolidge was sworn in by his dad who was a notary public Coolidge was visiting his father's farm in Vermont when President Harding died. They did not have a telephone, so the officials in Washington had to send a telegram which had to be hand-delivered from the telegraph office.

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17y ago

Calvin Coolidge, his father, a notary public, administered the oath of office in the family's parlor by the light of a kerosene lamp at 2:47 a.m. on August 3, 1923.

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Lvl 1
4y ago
ya i dont think this is right.

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15y ago

Calvin Coolidge Was it presidnt lyndon B Johnson

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16y ago

William H. Taft, took the oath on March 4, 1909. He administered the oath on March 4, 1925 for Calvin Coolidge's second term and on March 4, 1929 for Herbert C. Hoover.

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12y ago

William Howard Taft became chief justice of the US after he left office as President. Therefore he gave the oath to Coolidge and Hoover.

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14y ago

That man was Coolidge who happened to be at his father's house when Harding died and his father who was a notary and justice of the peace had the power to swear him in.

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Calvin Coolidge

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12y ago

Calvin Coolidge

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Q: Which president had the oath of office administered to him by his father?
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President who had oath of office administered to him by his father?

Calvin Coolidge

Why did Coolidge take the oath of office in vermont?

Vice President Calvin Coolidge was visiting family in Vermont when President Warren Harding died. The oath of office was administered to the new President by his father who was a Vermont notary public and justice of the peace.

Which president was the first to have oath of office administered in an airplane?

Lyndon Johnson

What Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court administered the Oath of Office to the Vice-President in 2009?

Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, who is the Senior Associate on the Court, flawlessly administered the Oath of Office to Vice-President Biden.

Inauguration and oath?

The constitution requires that before a President can assume their duties they have to take the oath of office. The oath is administered at the official ceremony, the inauguration. When the incoming President speaks the final words of the oath, their Presidency begins and the former President's term in office is officially over.

Which president had the oath of office administered to him by his faher?

George W. Bush George W. Bush

Who administered the oath of office to Barack Obama on January 2009?

The Oath of Office will be Administered to President-elect Barack H. Obamaby the Chief Justice of the United States The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr.

Who was the president that took oath of office from his father?

Calvin Coolidge

Who swears in Barack Obama as president of the US?

Traditionally, the Chief Justice of the United States administers the Oath of Office to the president-elect. For Barack Obama's inauguration, Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to the president-elect, Barack Obama.

Where is the Presidential Oath of Office administered?

Usually in Washington DC, in a public ceremony, on or near the steps of the US capitol building. If the president dies in office and the Vice-president is sworn in as president, he takes the oath at the first convenient location. Calvin Coolidge took it a his father's home where he happened to be visiting. Lyndon Johnson took it on the Presidential plane at an airport in Dallas.

What former president administered the oath of office twice to his successors?

Either John Quincy Adams, William Taft, or Washington

Is there a legal time requirement for the oath of the new president to be administered?

There is no constitutional requirement as to what time or by what time the president must take the oath of office. In fact, until the Twentieth Amendment was ratified in 1933, there was no constitutional requirement concerning what date the oath must be administered. The only requirement had only been that the president could not "enter on the Execution" of the presidency until after he had made an oath or affirmation.