A president's term of office is four years, and the same for the vice president.
They aren't ever, the executive branch elects the federal judges for a term of good behavior. In otherwords the president appoints them, never elections.
The chief Executive of Brazil is a President
The Democrats are the ruling party in the US as of 2009.
Only the President. Every other elected official can be re-elected numerous times.
The office of president is the only federal office that has term limits. The vice-president must be qualified to be President, so a person who has already been elected president for two terms could not serve as vice-president.
A president's term of office is four years, and the same for the vice president.
They aren't ever, the executive branch elects the federal judges for a term of good behavior. In otherwords the president appoints them, never elections.
Mexico is a federal representative republic, with a president as head of state. Mexico's president is Felipe Calderon (term: 2006-2012).
The term is sensitivity.
Most of the troops were removed during Ulysses Grant'ssecond term. The final removals, from South Carolina and Louisiana, took place early in the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877.
Oaxaca is a federal state within the country of Mexico. As such, it has a president (Enrique Peña, term: 2012 - 2018) as well as a state governor (Gabino Cue, term: 2010 - 2016).
The chief Executive of Brazil is a President
Mandates Statutes. Codes.
There is no position of "us treasurer." There is a Secretary of the Treasury who serves at the appointment of the President after Senate confirmation. There is a Chairman of the Federal Reserve, appointed by the President, who serves a ten-year term, after Senate confirmation.
No. The federal courts are part of the Judicial branch of government, which is co-equal to, and independent from, the Executive branch (the US President). The President has no authority over federal courts, except for having the power to nominate federal judges and US Supreme Court justices when vacancies arise during his term of office.The President has no authority whatsoever over state courts.
White Supremacy