Standing 5 feet 4 inches tall, James Madison has been America's shortest president, to date. James Madison served as the 4th U.S. President.
The shortest President of the United States at 5 feet 4 inches was James Madison. He was the 4th President of the United States.
* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president
The vice-president becomes President if the president can not function.
To become the President you must be either: * The President-Elect. * The Vice President when the President dies. * The Speaker of the House when the President and Vice President die, * The President Pro Tempore of the Senate when the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House dies. * The Secretary of State when the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and President Pro Tempore of the Senate dies. * etc.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
George Washington(135 words)
The shortest President of the United States at 5 feet 4 inches was James Madison. He was the 4th President of the United States.
Minius Wheldonus
Red is longest, violet the shortest,.
Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Line segment.
The shortest words in the world would be 'I' and 'A' I saw a cat sitting on the mat.
2 John is the shortest book in the bible having 12 verses in it.
Al. I know of none shorter than two letters.
1348 miles to the northern border of Florida, shortes rout, According to Google maps.
Yes, yes I can. The Winter Solstice is the first day of winter, the 22nd of December, and the "shortes" day of the year.
The smallest (in mass and volume) element is hydrogen symbol: HIt has no specific length, so there's no 'short' one