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William Jefferson Clinton.

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Q: Which president was the second US president to go through the Congressional impeachment process?
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Related questions

Does The impeachment process of a federal judge only come through the president's approval?

no, The process of impeachment is an option of the Congress.

Who was only the president to have gone through the impeachment process?

andrew jackson

The impeachment process of a federal judge only comes through the Pentagon?

No. The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment under the Constitution.

Who was the only president to have gone through the entire impeachment process and when?

1867=Andrew Johnson

Who is the two president that went through the impeachment process?

Andrew Johnson and John Kennedy

Who is the only president to have gone through the impeachment process?

Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson are the only two presidents who have gone through the entire impeachment process. They were both acquitted in the end and not impeached. President Nixon was going to be impeached but he resigned before it was announced.

Who is going through impeachment at this time?

No US President is charged with impeachment at this time! The last President to face impeachment charges was Bill Clinton.

Which officials in the government of the Philippines removable through impeachment process?

President V-Pres Constitutional Commission Cabinet Members

What is the act by which the congress accuses a president or supreme court justice of serious crimes?

Yes, through the impeachment process. Articles of Impeachment are drafted by the Congress detailed specific charges against a sitting president.

Who were the only two president to have gone through the entire impeachment process?

Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon

When did Andrew Johnson go through impeachment process?

in 1867

Can the president be remove from office?

The president can be removed from office through a process informally called impeachment. . Actually impeachment by the House is only the first step. The house passes a bill of impeachment , giving the charges against the president. The Senate is then required to hold a trial based on these charges and make a verdict. Andrew Johnson and Clinton were both impeached but neither was convicted. Nixon resigned when faced with charges that were almost certain to lead to impeachment.