No, James Garfield was. Abraham Lincoln was the first; James Garfield was the second; William McKinley was the third; and John F. Kennedy was the fourth.
James Garfield (2nd). Abraham Lincoln (1st), William McKinley (3rd), and John F. Kennedy (4th).
Abraham Lincoln. He was assassinated in April 1865.
William McKinley was the 25th president to be assassinated.
george whashington
James Garfield was the president who worked to limit the spoils system and was later assassinated.
James Garfield was the president who worked to limit the spoils system and was later assassinated.
Chester A. Arthur
The second President to be assassinated was James A. Garfield in July ,1881, by Charles Julius Guiteau.
Yes, in 1900, but was assassinated early into his second term.
Yes, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated a little more than a month into his second term.
In a box. He was assassinated near the beginning of his second term.
William McKinley was the 3rd president to be assassinated. He was the 25th president. He was killed by Leon Frank Czolgosz, an anarchist, on September 6, 1901 at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York. The president died 6 days later. The first and second assassinated presidents were Abraham Lincoln and James. A. Garfield respectively.
He was the third to be assassinated and the 25th US president.
The president that was assassinated in Texas was John F.Kennedy.
President Lincoln was assassinated in ford's theater.
First President assassinated was Abraham Lincoln, by a pistol. First President assassinated by a rifle was John F. Kennedy.
NEITHER Roosevelt President, Theodore or Franklin, was assassinated.
President Rutherford B. Hayes was not assassinated