Pathos -Apex
he uses parallel structure
A persuasive technique that I have found in Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention is a rhetorical question when he asked,"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"
Raising people's spirits
the answer is pathos for apex :)
the circumstances surrounding a rhetorical act
The components of a rhetorical situation include the audience (who the message is intended for), the purpose (the reason for the communication), the context (the circumstances surrounding the communication), the message (what is being communicated), the speaker (the person delivering the message), and the medium (the channel through which the message is conveyed).
The relationship between the speaker, the speaker's style of address, and the audience's expectations
The term for answering a rhetorical question is "rhetorical assertion" or "rhetorical answer." It is used to make a point or emphasize a statement without expecting an actual response.
A speaker's use of language to convince an audience
Is that a rhetorical question?
A rhetorical question is a question which doesn't require an answer.
a rhetorical question is a question that is not answeredso non-rhetorical would be the opposite. but everyone uses it wrong.
The root word for rhetorical is "rhetor," which comes from the Greek word "rhetorikos," meaning "oratorical or rhetorical."
Give you a prejudicial rhetorical statement?